Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Abstract Drafting--What is My Research Question?

The social media today targets teens and has a large impact on their
 life; including how they dress, look, and act. Young adults and
 teens spend a lot of their free time on social networks, and
watching television. Doing so allows them to interact with many
people and explore a make-believe world through television shows,
 movies, and internet created by the media. The health effects that
come along with social networks and television are not positive.
Our young teens are still growing and maturing; seeing and reading
 graphic things, being taunted to act or look a specific way to be
considered "normal", or to be accepted into a group of people.
Television flaunts the idea that all people are perfect by all looking
 the same, and not one of them is different. Also in movies
 everyone has a perfect life with a happy ending for these "perfect
 people." Media explodes the fact that acting or looking just a little
 different is not okay, when this couldn't further from the truth. Just
 exactly how does the social media impact our teen's sexual, mental, and physical health? Social media has negatively impacted teens’ health by promoting sexual activity, causing depressing, anxiety, and low self-esteem, and by promoting negative body image to increase chance of eating disorders or suicide.  In this paper I will show you the negative effects that the media has on
 young adults and teens.

1 comment:

  1. Very excellent start, Rachel! To polish this up, work on sentence structure and clarity. To do that, start with a couple of ideas:

    1. Look at a couple of professional abstracts on your topic and model your language after the writing you see there.
    2. Read your writing aloud to someone; see if they can point out your awkward spots!
